Saturday 22 June 2013

June 23-28 Meal Plan

Spicy Sausage Pasta A repeat meal that is a favourite here.

Coconut Lime Chicken A repeat from last week that was sooo delicious...and I want to use up the remainder of the coconut milk.

Greek Pizza on Panni Bread Stole from a friend's meal plan, looks delicious!

Sun Dried Tomato Pasta

* Fish with Carrot Fries. Mom loves fish so I've been trying to cook more of it and surprisingly it's not as bad as I thought!

Butternut Squash Lasagna Rollups I will be adding spinach to this recipe. Also, most likely omitting the bacon and pecans.

- Loved the greek pizza and my son actually ate!
- Did not care for the sun dried tomato pasta...realized I am not a fan of cooking with sundried tomatoes.
- Carrot fries were amazing!!!
- Butternut squash lasagna rollups were delicious although veryyyy time consuming to make and I even skipped some steps. So unfortunately they will not be made very often.

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